Creating Active Schools - Every Child Active
Improving whole-school outcomes with physical activity
The Creating Active Schools (CAS) professional development programme supports schools to create happy and healthy environments through physical activity.
Using behavioural science, CAS helps schools to create impactful and sustainable change for physical activity. Underpinned by world-leading research CAS supports schools to build on their strengths while identifying areas of improvement that can be improved step-by-step.
Evidence led
Creating Active Schools is based on the only evidence led, collaboratively produced framework advocating for a whole school, behaviour change approach to physical activity in schools. No off-the-shelf interventions are prescribed; it’s up to schools to test and learn what works best!
Bespoke CPD
An exclusive online bank of training directly linked to your bespoke action plan! Co-designed by internationally recognised researchers and practising teachers, bite sized modules are designed around you with a full suite of supporting resources to aid your learning journey.
Full wrap around support
Evaluate, plan, do, review. A fully interactive and bespoke online service appraises current strengths and challenges and creates your school physical activity action plan which directly links to appropriate CPD. All you need to create real system change in your school!
Join The Movement
Hundreds of schools are learning about how CAS can positively impact on a range of outcomes by collaborating in local partnerships.
Schools engaged
Networks established
Learning modules completed
Our process
The Creating Active Schools Framework
Co-designed by 50 experts in health and education, the CAS Framework supports schools to embed physical activity in policies, systems, behaviours and environments, so that it becomes everyone’s responsibility; from pupils, to staff, parents and governor.
Profile Toolkit01
The cornerstone of the CAS framework is establishing whole-school practice and ethos for physical activity - the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs and practices around creating a physically active school.
The physical environment reflects the amount, variety (e.g. green space, playground, school hall) and quality of school spaces and resources available.
Five groups are included as essential stakeholders; school leaders, teachers and other school staff, children/young people, parents/guardians, and wider stakeholders (e.g. active school coordinators, public health specialists, local organisations and clubs).
Combined, the environment and key stakeholders determine the implementation of physical activity across seven opportunities. The opportunities are determined by what the school can control (O1-4) and opportunities that the school can influence (O5-7). The opportunities with the greatest potential impact on whole-day physical activity reside closest to the framework midline.
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